Our Core Strategic Focus - Our Core Target - Our Advantage - Our Positioning
We don't make money when we provide transportation designs; we make money when we help our clients to make better investment and construction decisions.
Christos Rados
We target large-size construction companies, and SPV project companies, who face high ambiguity at their project scope and wicked problems.
We acknowledge that we do not have any competitive advantage in plain transportation projects with definite conditions, which require a linear engineering approach.
We have a unique expertise:
- in the design management of brown-field large-scale PPP infrastructure projects with multiple stakeholders,
- in ECI – Early Contractor Involvement projects, where design development and construction planning are integrated.
Thus, we focus on engagements with a fundamental indeterminacy, where we have an advantage.
We have three options for positioning:
- Brains – Expertise,
- Grey hair – Experience,
- Procedure projects – Efficiency.
Race is positioned as Brains – Expertise. We are positioned as experts in the designing process.
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