The Hellinikon. Social License to Operate!
A. The Hellinikon - A Great Title Attributed to a Great Development Program
A. The Hellinikon - A Great Title Attributed to a Great Development Program
For the non-native speakers ‘Hellas' means 'Greece' and 'Hellinikon’ means ‘Greek.’
Four years ago when the Greek State decided to launch the Hellinikon program, I had a memorable discussion with Angeliki, my mother in law, a wise old lady. During a family dinner, I was explaining to her the program scope and the engaging parties, when she suddenly interrupted me saying: “Look son, I don’t know the investment’s details, but I know Greek politicians. If you know the investors, tell them that this project will make them tired, tired, tired.” She paused for a moment, to continue: “They have to be brave, brave, brave.” Then she said “Goodnight” and left the table.