Our Core Strategic Principle - Our Core Guiding Policies
Our core strategic principle to the great challenge -redesign of the supply chain- is to meet clients’ need for speed - need for informed project decisions at the earliest responsible time.
The world runs in real-time, but contractors in infrastructure projects run in batch. Every few weeks or months they adjust. We ought to put the design data that the contractors use into a big stream and shift through those data the moment they are created and make immediate, incremental adjustments to the construction process.
- we can rapidly charge up the design-build pipeline,
- we can give to our clients 'real-time' access to the design process, and,
- our key rivals will not be able to replicate our fast-release cycle
- pursue strategic relationships by partnering with a select number of contractors or SPVs,
- use iterative design approach for rapid releases,
- increase and share 'real-time' learning (among project team members and the client),
- spend imagination ahead clients’ money – fast experimentation,
- provide design services, based not on our current designing capabilities, but on how our clients can fall in love with them, and
- integrate vertically -to capture the learning of the supply chain.
Our strategic principle forces trade-offs, reduces ambiguity, tests the wisdom of business moves, and sets the boundaries for our experiments
Tags: strategy